Customize Composite film,Laminated package bag -First choice Package DMG
DMG packing is a professional packaging bit composite film development and printing package bag packaging materials, composite, slitting, bag production in one of the flexible packaging business, with a number of domestic first-class, the world's leading flexible packaging production line, for domestic provide professional flexible overall solution outside customers.

DMG composite film packaging, the Laminated package bag products are widely used in food, medicine, Japan, pesticides, personal care, industrial and other industries. DMG Packaging has always been committed to provide customers with stable quality, beautifully printed flexible packaging products, including plastic composite film, paper-plastic film, aluminum composite film, food packaging films, pharmaceutical packaging film, packaging film health products, cosmetic products packaging film, and the composite film can be used dry lamination, solvent-free compounding, extrusion lamination and other processing methods. In addition, according to customer needs these composite films can be further processed into a side sealing bags, back sealed bags, zipper bags, self-reliance bags, four sides sealing flat bags, bags and other types of nozzle Laminated package bag products.

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