
  • Cum de a personaliza ambalaje flexibile
  • Cum de a personaliza ambalaje flexibile
    Aluminiu ambalaje pungă din folie, de obicei, se referă la aluminiu și pungi din plastic de vid laminate, aceasta poate fi aplicată echipamentelor mașinilor de precizie mare, materie primă chimică și farmaceutică Ambalaje. De obicei, este structura straturilor de blană, are o bună proprietăți de bar...
  • Tip:Stiri Companii     Timp:2016-08-21

  • Pungi de ceai Analiza Material
  • Pungi de ceai Analiza Material
    Pungi de ceai sunt noi toți în viața de zi cu zi este sac foarte frecvente, cerința de bază este de umiditate-dovada, fiecare mâncărime, performanță bună etanșare, de protecție a mediului, și alte amenda de imprimare. Apoi materialul sac de ceai pe care, de asemenea, știu ce a fost?...
  • Tip:Industry News     Timp:2016-08-21

  • Personaliza filmul compozit, laminat pachet de sac alegere -Primul Pachet DMG
  • Personaliza filmul compozit, laminat pachet de sac alegere -Primul Pachet DMG
    DMG de ambalare este un pic de ambalaj profesional compozit de dezvoltare de film și ambalaj sac de imprimare materiale de ambalare, compozite, tăiere longitudinală, producția de sac într-unul din afaceri de ambalaje flexibile, cu un număr de primă clasă internă, ceea ce duce linie de producție de a...
  • Tip:Industry News     Timp:2016-08-21

  • Why many food packaging using vacuum bag packaging?
  • Why many food packaging using vacuum bag packaging?
    Food vacuum packaging with high barrier property. Through a variety of composite materials, using the plastic block performance difference, the water of oxygen, water and carbon dioxide odor such as blocking effect....
  • Tip:Industry News     Timp:2016-08-21

  • Stand up Spouted Pouches for beverage packaging
  • Stand up Spouted Pouches for beverage packaging
    Beverage packaging uses aseptic and organoleptic-neutral (smell and taste-free) materials for beverage shipment and storage, which not only contributes to longer shelf life but also enhances your brand marketability. Beverage companies rely on product packaging to make their beverages safer and the...
  • Tip:Industrie Știri     Timp:2016-08-21

  • Stand up pouches for liquids,spout pouches manufacturers
  • Stand up pouches for liquids,spout pouches manufacturers
    Wine and alcohol packing bags must gr most, was pretty standard. Bottles (and sp Ter) doses packets of choice for centuries and, more recently, bo Thy for wine entered into the mix, so to speak. However, the discovery of new materials and technological advances in the production of wine and alcohol ...
  • Tip:Industrie Știri     Timp:2016-08-21

  • Difference between aluminized bags and pure aluminum bags?
  • Difference between aluminized bags and pure aluminum bags?
    Many customers simple pure aluminium bag and aluminized bag can't differences, in order to let us know that below to explain for us, the difference between pure aluminium bag and aluminized bag...
  • Tip:Industrie Știri     Timp:2016-08-21

  • How food bags is to ensure food safety
  • How food bags is to ensure food safety
    the food industry should claim bags packaging film manufacturers use in line with national standards. The composite material of the bag to use environment-friendly, do not use benzene and other harmful substances in dry composite plastic packaging, because the solvent easily penetrate contaminated f...
  • Tip:Industrie Știri     Timp:2016-08-21

  • What vacuum bags printed design should pay attention to?
  • What vacuum bags printed design should pay attention to?
    Vacuum packaging should realize its functionality. Vacuum packaging is to protect the bag products, prone to decay or electronic related products need to prolong the retention period or anti-static function.This is also the most basic requirement of the vacuum packing bag....
  • Tip:Industrie Știri     Timp:2016-08-21

  • Food Packaging Bags
  • Food Packaging Bags
    A lot of companies make their effort to design more new packaging design to meet differnt market requirement, both at home and abroad. The new design including the new bag type and the new printing design....
  • Tip:Stiri Companii     Timp:2016-08-22

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